Kriller Soft Plastic Bead Eggs
Kriller Soft Plastic Bead Eggs
Kriller Soft Plastic Bead Eggs
Kriller Soft Plastic Bead Eggs
Kriller Soft Plastic Bead Eggs
Kriller Soft Plastic Bead Eggs

Kriller Soft Plastic Bead Eggs


This peachy, shrimp pink bead has proven extremely effective for Salmon and Steelhead, particularly in our current Winter 2022/2023 Steelhead Season in the Fraser Valley of BC, Canada.

Available in scented or unscented.
Using a blend of Pro-Cure Bait scents, Bent Rods has found an extremely effective scent for our Salmon, Trout and Steelhead soft eggs.
Beads are saturated in the scent during the packaging process.


Made in Chilliwack, BC, Canada

unscented or scented

  • Quality Craftsmanship
  • Local Pick-Up Available
  • Specs & Details
Specs & Details
COLOUR VARIATION Our soft plastics are hand made by Rod at our home business location. Consistency of colour batches is not guaranteed. Each batch will have slight variations in shade, pigment, opaqueness, glitter quantity, etc. The blend level in our split colour soft beads varies with each batch. Some beads come out with a sharp line contrast between the two colours, while others come out with a more twisted/blended colour mix. Bent Rods Jigs, Soft Plastics, and Spinners are designed and created by hand here in Bent Rod's workshop in Chilliwack, BC, Canada. Our raw materials and components are imported from Canadian and American suppliers. All order items are shipped together, no partial or multipart shipments.

Quality and Innovation

Bent Rod's Soft Plastics are hand moulded with premium materials. Our soft plastics have been heavily tested on sinking rates, density and firmness for optimal performance on the river.
